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Sabtu, 26 Juni 2010

Patofisiologi Payah Jantung Kronik (Sidhi Laksono)

Fakultas Kedokteran Univesitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta

Gagal jantung merupakan sindrom klinis yang kompleks dengan gejala-gejala yang tipikal dari sesak nafas (dispneu) dan mudah lelah (fatigue) yang dihubungkan dengan kerusakan fungsi maupun struktur dari jantung yang mengganggu kemampuan ventrikel untuk mengisi dan mengeluarkan darah ke sirkulasi.1,2 Gagal jantung umumnya didapatkan pada populasi usia tua, serta pada orang-orang yang selamat dari infark miokard dengan kerusakan otot jantung persisten.3 Entitas gagal jantung mudah sekali diketahui oleh dokter yang berpengalaman, dapat ditemukan di komunitas masyarakat dan pengobatan yang tepat dapat mengurangi morbiditas dan mortalitasnya.4 Walaupun biomolekuler dan fisiologi yang terintegrasi dengan gagal jantung masih belum dapat dipahami, beberapa konsep dan prinsip patofisiologi telah berkembang dalam dekade terakhir ini.6 Kunci utama gagal jantung adalah ketidakmampuan jantung untuk bekerja sebagai pompa.6,7,8 Respon-respon tubuh berupa respon adaptif sekunder tetap mempertahankan fungsi sirkulasi jangka pendek, tetapi lama kelamaan akan menjadi maladaptif dan menjadi gagal jantung kronis.6,7 Respon-respon adaptasi pada gagal jantung ini terjadi pada sirkulasi perifer, ginjal maupun otot jantung. Perubahan ini mengakibatkan timbulnya sindrom klinis gagal jantung. Pemahaman bagaimana perubahan ini terjadi menghasilkan pandangan dalam patofisiologi gagal jantung. 

Sympathetic overactivity in renal disease: a window to understand progression and cardiovascular complications of uraemia?


Currently a dramatic increase in patients with stage renal failure is seen world-wide [1,2]. Furthermore,
cardiovascular morbidity and mortality is exceedingly high in patients with chronic renal failure. Preventing progression of chronic renal failure and reducing cardiovascular complications in uraemia are major challenges to nephrologists. In the following we marshal evidence that sympathetic overactivity, so far a neglected aspect of renal failure, is an important pathomechanism contributing to progression and cardiovascular complications. It is possible that interventions to interfere with sympathetic overactivity will provide new therapeutic approaches. [PDF]

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Obesitas merupakan faktor risiko yang penting untuk terjadinya penyakit-penyakit, antara lain: hipertensi, diabetes mellitus tipe 2 maupun masalah psikososial. Anak obes memiliki kecenderungan tiga kali lipat untuk menderita hipertensi dibanding dengan anak yang tidak obes. Latihan fisik akan mempercepat penurunan berat badan sehingga bila mencapai berat badan normal diharapkan tekanan darah menjadi normal. Tujuan. Mengetahui pengaruh latihan fisik terhadap tekanan darah anak obes di 3 SD Swasta Kotamadya Medan Metode. Penelitian dilakukan secara eksperimental pre test- post test satu kelompok di 3 SD Swasta Kotamadya Medan pada rentang bulan Juli - September 2006. Pengambilan sampel dilaksanakan secara consecutive sampling. Sebanyak 50 orang sampel diberi latihan fisik dengan berlari di atas treadmill selama 8 menit dalam waktu 3 x seminggu selama tiga bulan. Hasil. Dari 50 orang sampel didapatkan rerata indeks massa tubuh (IMT) 27,40% (di atas kurva persentil 95) menurut Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) WHO. Rerata tekanan darah sistolik pre test dan post test adalah 107,52 mmHg dan 105,60 mmHg. Tekanan darah diastolik 75,40 mmHg dan 73,68 mmHg. Sementara rerata berat badan adalah 53,27 kg dan 53,19 kg. Rerata tinggi badan 139,26 cm dan 139, 25 cm.

When Can the Patient With Deep Venous Thrombosis Begin to Ambulate?

 Physical Therapy . Volume 84 . Number 3 . March 2004

(Kapan Pasien DVT [deep vein trombosis] dapat memulai merubah posisi tidur?)

Deep venous thrombosis (DVT) is a common problem among hospitalized patients,1 even those who receive prophylaxis.2 Patients undergoing total hip replacement have a 54% risk of developing DVT following the procedure if no methods of prophylaxis are used.2 Use of low-molecular-weight heparin prophylaxis reduces this incidence to 16%. Despite prophylaxis, 31% of patients undergoing total knee replacement develop DVT, and 27% of patients operated on for hip fracture develop DVT.2 Thromboembolic complications have been reported in 30% to 60% of patients following stroke.3 Deep venous thrombosis places the patient at risk for pulmonary embolism (PE), recurrent thrombosis, and postphlebitic syndrome.1,4 Up to 50% of patients with DVT involving the proximal deep veins of the lower extremity develop PE. Because the mortality rate for this condition is as high as 8% even with intervention, PE poses the greatest concern to the physical therapist and physician caring for the patient during initial management of the DVT, particularly in the hospital setting.3 Current medical management of patients with DVT includes the use of acute anticoagulation with heparin or low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) followed by long-term intervention with warfarin.5 The use of full-dose heparin has been shown to reduce the incidence of PE among patients with proximal DVT.4 Low-molecular-weight heparin demonstrated at least equal efficacy to heparin in multiple trials.6 In the past, patients with active DVT were placed on bed rest for periods up to 7 to 10 days due to the fear of PE among patients who remain active.7 The logical, if simplistic, argument was that vigorous movement of the involved limb would cause the proximal clot to “break off and travel to the lungs.” More recent practice has included earlier ambulation, but there has been reluctance to begin ambulation immediately after diagnosis and initial 
management of DVT. In practice, there appears to be no standard protocol for activity progression.  We sought evidence from the medical literature to inform the decision about the timing of ambulation for patients with DVT. We used PubMed to search for relevant primary studies on the issue of ambulation and DVT. Our search strategy consisted of using the National Library of Medicine’s Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms “venous thrombosis” or “thrombophlebitis” combined with the MeSH terms “early ambulation,” “walking,” or “exercise.” We limited the results of this search to clinical trials reported in English.

Kamis, 24 Juni 2010

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